Exam #1 Grades are posted on the OpenLab

Hi everyone,

Exam #1 has been graded and will be returned Thursday (tomorrow).  If you are a member of this class on the OpenLab, you can view your grade at:

Dashboard/OpenLab GradeBook

(the Dashboard is accessible by clicking the name of the course in the black bar at the very top of this page, provided you are logged in to the OpenLab and already a member of the course).

Best regards,
Prof. Reitz

Exam #1 Review Answer Key – CORRECTIONS

Hi everyone,

I made two corrections to the Exam #1 Review Answer Key, as follows:

Problem 8c, the correct answer is:  $(f\circ g)(x) = \sqrt{2x-16}$, domain $D_{f\circ g} = [8,\inf)$.

Problem 9c, the correct answer is:  $h^{-1}(x)=\frac{1-x}{2x}$.

If you see any additional errors, please let me know!


Prof. Reitz

Calendar Update: Exam #1 will be next Tuesday, 2/25

Hi everyone,

The first exam has been moved from this Thursday 2/20 to next Tuesday 2/25.  A review sheet is available here (solutions will be provided later this week). If you have questions you can ask me in class (time for review questions will be limited, but I will answer if I can) or in my office hours – or send me your questions by email.

The TI-84 Calculator (or similar) may be used during the exam, but you may not use your cell phone or other electronic devices.

Good luck with your studies!
Prof. Reitz