How should I study for the final exam?

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update to share two resources for preparing for the final exam:

  1. Take a practice exam (or more than one!) on WeBWorK. The department has prepared a practice final exam – your actual final exam will be similar.
    1. Where can I find the practice exam? The practice exams can be found in the “Final Exam WeBWorK” area (NOT our usual WeBWorK site), the same location where our actual final exam will take place
    2. What is my login to the Final Exam WeBWorK area? You should have received an email sometime Friday, 5/8/20, with the title Practice Exams and Final Exam Login Information from the address WeBWorK Administrator <>. This email contains your exam WeBWorK account login and password, and a link to the WeBWorK final exam area for our class.
    3. How many times can I take the Practice Final in WeBWorK? You can one practice final exam per day, from now until the actual finals begin. You will have 2 hours to complete the practice exam once you begin (just like a real exam).
  2. Take a look at the official departmental Final Exam review sheet (follow the link and you will also find videos of the review problems worked out in their entirety).

Please let me know if you have any questions!

-Prof. Reitz

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