Monthly Archives: October 2018

Seminar #5

 An Introduction to WeBWorK

 BMCC, room S613, 11AM-2PM

 11:00am          Welcome, discussion of reading

Section 2 (Conceptual Framework and Research Questions, pp. 4-8) of Parker, Andrew, “A Modularized Tablet-Based Approach to Preparation for Remedial Mathematics,” Taylor and Francis in International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, Volume 47, Issue 8, 2016. A copy of the article is under “Files”.

11:30am          Intro to WeBWorK

  • Benefits
  • Challenges (and solutions)

 Instructor Basics, Advanced Features, Meta-WeBWorK

1:30pm          Brown Bag Lunch and discussion

1:50pm          Feedback

 Upcoming Events

City Tech Fellows only: Friday, November 16, 2018, 10:30am-1:30pm:  Effective Advisement Strategies for Math Faculty (City Tech, Faculty Commons, N227)



Seminar 4

Gaming in Mathematics Instruction

BMCC, S613

 Pre-seminar Reading: A Proof-of-Concept Study of Game-Based Learning in Higher Education, by Francesco Crocco, Kathleen Offenholley and Carlos Hernandez

 11:00 am         Gaming in Mathematics Instruction

Presenter: Kathleen Offenholley, BMCC

Abstract: Learn about quick, practical, hands-on games you can play in your own mathematics classrooms, then create a game for your own class! Then you’ll get a chance to play three digital games that were created as part of an NSF grant

 1:00 pm           Lunch, Gameplay, Discussion

 1:50 pm           Feedback

Upcoming Events

Friday, November 2, 2018, 11:00 am -2:00 pm: An Introduction to WeBWorK (joint seminar, BMCC S613)