Fall 2021

Week 17: The Finish Line! (Due Dates Below)

Skating in Central Park | Smithsonian American Art Museum

HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE!  Stay in touch! ALL FINAL WORK for the class is due DECEMBER 19th.

  • Upload Unit 3, plus separate reflection paragraph at the end, to the Unit 3 Google Drive (under MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS) by Monday 12/13
    • Your 1-paragraph reflection should address the following: how or why you became interested in the topic; the purpose of your piece; why you decided to write in the genre you did,  for this particular audience; How it went (the extent to which you feel it was successful and why); where you think this might be published or shared beyond our class
  • Project Presentations: 12/14 in class. Be prepared to speak about your Unit 3 work for 3-5 min. Present your slides/video or have one visual up on the screen while you talk about your topic.
  • Final Course Reflection  (leave a comment below) Due 12/17.  Write a 1-paragraph final reflection that addresses the questions below.
    • What have you learned about yourself as a reader and writer this semester? What were your early assumptions/beliefs about yourself and writing, and what do you believe now?  How would you compare/contrast work done early on in the semester to now?   What was particularly challenging for you in our course this semester and how did you overcome this (or attempt to)? What advice would you give to students taking this course next semester? Discuss what you learned in this class and how you might transfer this knowledge to other writing tasks or situations in future English classes, courses in other subjects, academic or job applications, and your community.


  1. Kobe

    What I’ve learned about myself as a reader and a writer after this semester is that I strengthen many things. For example, breaking down ideas, comparing two articles or even an experience moment with one another. An early assumption about myself was that this writing was going to be difficult because reading and writing isn’t something that I feel very strong about but after gaining focus on the topic or idea and getting enough support from the professor it was very easy to maneuver through things. So, the way I would compare/contrast my work with earlier in the semester until now that I would say that I used same a similar formula to create the essay. As for the difference your able to acknowledge how I was able to expand the essay more and give a better understanding to the reader. Honestly, there wasn’t many challenges but If I have to say I would go with maybe the transformation from unit 2 to unit 3. With being said it’s because I didn’t want to add repetition between one another. The way I was able to overcome it is I did more research about my topic and broke down different key point or even similar topics. An advice that I would give to students taking this course next semester is time yourself, turn the work on time, and even ask questions if you’re unsure about something because maybe one of your classmates might have the same question. Furthermore, so I actually learned the format of RAB in this class, and I feel like I’m about to take it in many places that I have to provide an essay with. In other words, I would use the RAB as a guide.

  2. Saul Arizaga

    English 1101 has been such an amazing course to take and wouldn’t hesitate taking it again. I found my professor to be such an amazing person because of her understanding as well as motivating her students to do their best. She knows what I am capable of and pushes me to be my best. Due to her drive and motivation, I was able to learn a few things about myself as both a reader and a writer this semester. This semester I felt I have improved on my writing skills tremendously in the sense that I am able to express my thoughts more clearly. I also saw improvements in the quality of my work and felt that it has become stronger. At the beginning of the year, I didn’t feel confident with myself in general. Especially when it comes to English since it was never my forte. After having taken this course, I believe I have grown as a writer. I am able to extract main ideas, examine/understand plots, themes and many more writing techniques. I felt as if work done earlier in the semester in a sense led up to work in units 2 and 3. I felt it was a nice transition in the sense of working from something that was fairly easy, to a project that required a lot of research and studying. What I found to be challenging in the course was unit 2. The reason being that during that time I had a lot of assignments to do for other classes, and for this homework assignment in particular, it required a lot of time since it was research driven. I was also feeling overwhelmed and from time to time felt that my sources weren’t strong/good enough. A way I was able to overcome this issue was speaking to my professor personally, as well as learning how to manage my time. These two played an important role in the semester because it led me to presenting a strong, supportive, and solid project for both units 2 and 3. Some advice I would give students who are taking this course would be to complete your work on time and make sure to give it your all. The professor is understanding and wants to see you succeed. She is here for the students. Some knowledge I learned from this class that I will definitely transfer to my other writing classes and daily life is the proper way to write a summary as well as extracting/analyzing reading carefully. This strategy can be used in the real world when trying to problem solve and before doing so, listen to clues, background information to get a sense of where to start. Overall, I felt as if this class was successful and really enjoyed learning and growing not only as a reader and writer, but also as a person. Thank you professor!!

  3. Liam

    I have learned that I enjoy writing. A lot of the work we did in English 1101 was introspective. Writing can be cathartic. It can sometimes be difficult for me to produce the work; I am quick to get my thoughts out on paper without detailing my thought process sufficiently. The feedback from the professor was always encouraging and while I am sure it felt like pulling teeth to get valuable information out, but the critique was always helpful and encouraging. I believe I will be able to apply the skills I learned in this class to future courses.

    I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the class. I would encourage future students to not feel put off by the class being listed as an “intensive writing” course. I feel like my writing has improved over the semester.

  4. Maria Herrera

    Although this semester was something for me. English was an amazing course that helped me as a reader and writer that a first draft doesn’t always have to be perfect. I learned that when writing your first draft you don’t have to worry about non-stop writing. It’s best to write all your ideas down. Then when you reread again you can see what details should stay and what could be removed. While also being able to compare articles and in way trying to connect our own lives to what we read. When I first started this course I believed that I was ok at writing but now with all the techniques that I was able to learn in this course and the feedback we would get I believe that my writing would become much better. My writing in this class improved towards meaning my essays or writing in general became longer and In deep details. When in the beginning the semester I would write, do my work like I would do it in High School but now with all the techniques that I was able to gain in this course I will now be able to expand and make my writing longer and understandable. In the revision process I would take the feedback , which was really helpful and I would add the little details that I could be missing, think about the questions and what could be changed that my teacher would ask, but also the teacher (prof. hellman) would ask for your opinion when she shared a thought.
    At the beginning of the semester when taking this course I was on top of myself. I would get my work done. At first it was easy. This course was one of the most understanding courses I have taken. The professor as well she is awesome. But I unfortunately there was a point in the semester where I became so unmotivated. I stopped doing my work for a while, which is something that I am not proud of, but I got myself together and I have done and finished my work. This was something challenging for me not only in this course. The advice I would give to students taking this course next semester would be definitely don’t do what I did. Talk to your professor. If they are lucky and get Prof. Chellman as their professor talk to her. She understands and also listen to the feedback she gives. She’s not only a professor but also a friend.
    Something that I learned in this class that I will transfer into my knowledge when writing tasks in my future English classes or any other Course would be RAB. RAB was very helpful when it came to writing especially when reading and referring back to an article, video, or anything. I would also use all the resources and examples that the teacher shared with us and would tell us to download and save into our computers.

  5. Mohamed Kaba

    Throughout this semester I learned a lot about myself as a reader and writer. This class was very helpful for me because it helped me to improve my English, and expand my essay writing skill, and my way of thinking. When I was in high school, writing essays was one of my worst nightmares. I understood during this semester that writing was not as difficult as I thought. You just have to believe in what you are writing to convey your idea. In order to be good at writing you have to practice your reading skills. I feel more improvement now than at the beginning of the semester. In the beginning of the semester, I was struggling with brainstorming how to relate new ideas to my writing. Now I am more comfortable with my improvement. I sometimes experienced a lack of motivation during the semester. In the middle of the semester, things were becoming overwhelming because I was taking a lot of credits. I felt tired, stressed, and the subject was becoming boring. I overcame this by creating a schedule during the semester. The motivational words of my teacher “Keep going…,” give me the motivation for finishing the class by doing well. My expected major is computer science. When I try to get a job or an internship, the companies will base their decision on the way I explain my ideas and my opinion. I am really confident that this class helps me to increase my competence and skills to communicate.

  6. sarmad

    During this semester I have learned a lot.How college works.It was hard at the beginning learning all the new websites and apps to receive and submit homework.In the semester i learn that always be on track once you not submit something you will try to do that and then you will miss the next one.Always be happy and motivated.Email your professor if you are having a bad day they always helps you out.I was not really happy with english but in this class we had to choose our own topic so we can have fun and enjoy the class.It was really nice working with all of you.I hope you guys have a great time in break.
    Thank you.

  7. Ziqi

    Writing is always complicated for me since my English and grammar is not the best. I always hate writing essays but I’m glad I was able to bring awareness on my topics in Unit 2 and 3. I have learned a lot from this class even though we couldn’t see each other in person. I have learned a lot more about the topics I chose through researches and topics from other people. My professor was really supported through out the semester and always understood and respected me. I hope everyone have a wonderful break and happy holidays!

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