Fall 2021

Hello everyone

my name is luis and my pronouns are he/him. I was born and raised in the united states, but everyone else in my family was born in Mexico. I have two older brothers (making me the youngest). I am somewhat shy and can be quiet, but when you get to know me I can be pretty hyper. I enjoy playing sports with my friends and playing video games with my brothers. Another thing I enjoy is drawing. it allows me to create whatever I like to and lowers any stress that I have. This is my first year of college and while I’m a bit nervous, I’m also excited to meet new people.

the Picture that I want to share is a ride that I went on with my family a couple of years ago. I was really scared to go in at first, but then my brother convinced me to in with him.  at first I was a bit nervous, but then I found out of much fun it can be. This one moment taught me that to not pass new opportunities.

1 Comment

  1. Caroline Chamberlin Hellman

    Hi Luis,
    This ride looks truly terrifying :). Where was the photo taken? The extent of my carnival activity is going on the zipper… and at Coney Island I’ve ridden the Cyclone. Other than that I have very little to report on … good for you for conquering your nerves and getting out there. I hope your college experience will be very similar- with some understandable apprehension but many rewards.

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