Fall 2021

Author: Caroline Chamberlin Hellman (Page 5 of 8)

Week 7: Unit 1 Due 10/11

The Scents of the Autumn | Dexter and Mason

  • Transforming your rough draft into a final draft
    • How can a piece of writing be improved? What is the difference between revising and proofreading?
    • Follow the Writing Process guide for the *quote sandwich* and *essay formatting*
  • Complete Peer Review with partner (in class). Share google doc link with partner or email them feedback.
  • Revise Unit 1 essay with feedback from Writing Center tutor, Professor, peer review partner
  • Copy and paste your partner’s peer review feedback at the end of your essay document.
  • Upload your final draft to the Google Drive Unit 1 folder  by 10/11  (Major Assignments–> Google Drive)

Week 6: 9/28; No Class 9/30 (work on draft; upload to class Google Drive 10/3)


Entering campus update

From Provost Pamela Brown: In order to provide students more time to upload their vaccine verification, the university has extended the deadline for submitting vaccination information until October 7. After that date students risk being assigned a WA in their hybrid and in-person courses Please encourage students in hybrid and in-person classes, who have not yet uploaded their proof of vaccination, to do so now!

The roll-out of Cleared4 has been plagued with technical issues, most critically that not everyone has received the needed link. The university is focused on resolving this issue, and hopefully a solution will be found soon. In response, use of VaxPass has been extended until October 7. Additionally an in-house system has been created by CIS  which allows public safety to look up those whose vaccine verification has been approved. Fully vaccinated students, faculty and staff whose submissions have been approved will be allowed into the building. Public Safety has been instructed to look  up anyone having issues with Vaxpass or Cleared4. Anyone fully vaccinated and approved, will have a green shield next to their name and will be allowed into the building. Those who require weekly testing will still need Everbridge VaxPass or Cleared4 clearance however. Instructions for using VaxPass and Cleared4 are provided on large posters by the doors.

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