My name is Anthony Puma and my pronouns are he/him. I was born on June 30th, 2003 in Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan. At three years old, I moved from Queens to Brooklyn and was mostly raised there since I was a child. I am eighteen years old and still currently living in Brooklyn in the same house with my parents and sisters. My parents are hispanic and they are both from Ecuador in South America which makes me Ecuadorian. I am a college freshman, beginning my first year in CityTech and it feels a bit odd being in college because it feels like it was  yesterday that I was a freshman in high school. Things are sure going at a fast pace for me but besides that, I feel happy that I manage to make it to college and hopefully I can finish college as well as I did for high school.

The image that I provided that is meaningful to me is my little sister and her name is Arianna. She is the youngest out of all my sisters, which I have four sisters in total which makes me the only brother. She is only three years old and will become four years old next year. The reason she is meaningful to me because I mostly taken care of her since she was a small baby when my parents are working or doing something out, which I had to take the responsibility of taking care of her. She could be annoying and a handful as some times but there are times when she made me feel happy when I am feeling down about certain things. I also like knowing the fact that to her, I am her older brother and she will come to me for her problems.