The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving | Audiobook |

This week we complete our Unit 2 RAB in theĀ class Google DriveĀ  (leave your work there; no need to comment below) by

  • incorporating a rhetorical analysis for each source we already have
  • adding one more RAB entry for a *non-print* source: personal interview, video, podcast, song, poem, photograph, tweet, slide show, mural, street art, etc
  • writing a conclusion paragraph for the entire RAB
  • editing and proofreading. NOTE: I strongly encourage sharing a complete draft with me by 11/4 if possible, so I can give you feedback for revisions
  • checking your work against the Unit 2 RAB Complete Model (download for your computer)


1. For rhetorical analysis, address SOAPSTone: Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, Tone

  • Speaker: who is the author?
  • Occasion: time, place, reason for this piece?
  • Audience: intended readers/listeners/viewers? Consider venue of publication
  • Purpose: author’s agenda and HOW it gets conveyed
  • Subject: topic and focus
  • Tone: formal or casual? Humorous/angry/serious/critical/neutral? Choice of words?
  1. Write one more RAB entry on a non-print source. Consider how this new source informs your research and adds to your understanding of the subject
  2. Write your conclusion (200-300 words): Reflect on what you have learned and why this new knowledge is important. Identify a potential audience for your ideas and consider which genre would be most appropriate to express them, in Unit 3.

RAB ComponentsĀ  Checklist:

  • Introduction (200-300 words)
    • Introduce your topic, why it interests you, and what you wish to find out more about
  • List your 3 sources in alphabetical order, each with its own MLA citation and info below (400-500 words each)
    • 1-paragraph Summary
    • 2-3 Key Quotes (include citation)
    • 1-paragraph Rhetorical Analysis (Who is the author? What kind of publication is this?Ā  How do you feel the authorā€™s writing style, awareness of audience and purpose (reason for writing), choice of genre and storytelling techniques affect the meaning and credibility of the document?)
    • 1-paragraph Response (what do *you* think of these ideas? how does this source add to your knowledge?)
  • Conclusion (200-300 words)
    • Reflect on what you have learned and why this new knowledge is important
    • Identify a potential audience for your ideas and consider which genre would be most appropriate to express them