Author Archives: Yasmin

#9B ” Is this true? Do you Trust Google?

Do I trust google? Yes, It is true. How and Why?
Google is the easiest way to get information about anything we think about ,even if we miss articulate the word it gives us option in to choice what we meant. Nothing is like google in the time of laziness and depending in technology to do everything for us. Why I trust google? I trust it because none of my data that I saved in it was shared to public ,however I do not have any personal information to hide.
Vaidhyana than argues that, “we trust google with our personal info and preferences and without access to knowledge because we trust technology that satisfies our prejudices.” Is this true? Do you Trust Google?
To be respond to the question I need to prove that knowing our personal information is not completely wrong because when google know who is searching It makes it easy for both sides the users who is looking for a video to watch or paper to read even to a music to listen and for the website to provide the users with the right examples.

Why Is the US Aligned With Saudi Arabia?

When I watch the news  these days, I believe that media is  always mentions one part more than the other for many reasons. Politics controls everything that we get directly or indirectly. After I read an article talks about “Why Is the US Aligned With Saudi Arabia?” which explains the relationship between USA government and Saudi Arabia rulers like  “oil men to oil men” that proves to me why the US government could not really do anything about the situation  in Yemen. The Saudis are fighting Yemeni because they are worried that the Houthis, who rose up in Yemen, are close to Iran. Many of the conflicts plaguing the Middle East today have been exacerbated by the Saudi-Iran enmity. Saudi leaders see Iran’s policies as part of an expansionist, sectarian agenda aimed at empowering Shia Muslims in the region at the expense of Sunnis. Iranian leaders attribute similarly sectarian motives to their Saudi counterparts. If Saudi Arabia was not favored to USA government, it will not keep the war years without finding a better solution.

The Summary of the article”The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens”

In the article ” The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens” the author proves how reading from papers is unlike reading on screens for many reasons. First of all, the structure of the typography has a huge different view comparing e-books to paper book has nothing in common except the words. Even the words themselves have different curves and hollow spaces. Paper books have more notice topography than onscreen text. Second, the reader is clear with the left and right pages on paper books opposite of using e-books. As the writer mentions that when you start using e-books you will miss paper books how paper which shows that paper books will be always there. In studies of published in 2013 Ann Magen tested students who studied by paper books and e-books, the result was that the students who studied by paper books did a little better that students who studied onscreen. That proves the people who read by screen generally the rate of the information they got from a text is small because their memory do not remember as much as if they read from paper books. Also, reading onscreen makes the eyes got tired fast especially for people who use screens of time for long period because their eyes will be hurt. However it is always easier for the eyes to read paper books, some people prefer e-books which has no weight to carry around. This article explains that paper books will be always there, however the world changes and improves people will not switch from paper books to e-book easily.