Author Archives: Cindy Donald

Assignment 10B

In the article What is a Troll, and Internet Trolling? by Elise Moreau a troll is described as “Someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.” The article went on to make reference of another type of troll- The mythological troll. The mythological troll is known to be an ugly, dirty, angry creature that lives in dark places, like caves or underneath bridges, waiting to snatch up anything that passed by for a quick meal.

Elise states that in some ways, the mythological troll is similar to the Internet troll. The Internet troll hides behind his computer screen, and actively goes out of his way to cause trouble on the Internet. Like the mythological troll, the Internet troll is angry and disruptive in every possible – often for no real reason at all. Trolling mainly is frequent around social web, for example Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to name a few. Places where anyone can comment on a status update, reply to a tweet, converse in a community thread or send an anonymous question.

Assignment 9B

Yes, in many ways I trust Google but I must hasten to say not with my personal information. Vaidhyanathan argues that, “we trust google with our personal info and preferences” which I believe is true. The author says vast troves of data are open to the public. Data such as demographics, public health, traffic patterns, energy consumption and family income. This data may be the leading cause why there is so much trust in Google.

The author also speaks about visual organization. In that data is organize in a way people think about it.  For example, drop down menu presents choices, there are icons for related subject categories and colorful graphics and short sentences. Data that is this easily accessible on any search engine, including Google in my estimation will be deem trustworthy.

Assignment 8B- Questioning Authority

Meszaros article “Who’s in Charge Here” opens with the views of librarians that blame themselves when students often do not take advantage of their expertise in that they ask their peers, parents, or even stranger-student for help rather than the helpful librarian. The article went on to discuss the notion that instructional faculty command more authority than librarians. Meszaros calls this authority “administrative authority”- an authority one has by virtue of occupying position.

Still, there is a crisis of authority- “The New Epistemology”  says Tim Clydesdale. After interviewing 400 students on 34 campuses Clydesdale found only few were in awe of their institutions or faculty. And most ambivalent about anyone’s knowledge claims other than their own.

So, what does “questioning authority” means? Meszaros answers it this way “who do not get respect or who get less.” Yet, the more important question he says is how all of us can validate the notion of disciplinary cognitive authority so as to help students move beyond the unsophisticated epistemological positions of dualism or multiplicity. Thus, librarians can join hands with faculty by focusing less on issues of access and retrieval and more on students attitudes and beliefs about expertise and cognitive authority.

Assignment 7B

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. The American agency that administers the work proposed by the FOIA is an independent research institute and library located at The George Washington University (the archives)

Yes, I believe it benefits the citizen. In that it serves as a repository of government records on a wide range of topics pertaining to national security, foreign intelligence and economic policies of the United States.  The archives also broaden access to the historical record and is a leading advocate and user of the freedom of information act. The archive regularly publishes portions of its collection on the  world Wide Web, CD Rom and in books making it accessible to the public. Thus, I believe it benefits the citizens in that respect.

Assignment 6B

Martin’s book chapter is available to read in pdf form because of the way he views knowledge/ information. Martin thinks information should be liberated. He says, “the word knowledge suggests certainty, authoritativeness, even usefulness. It is a good thing to be knowledgeable yet much knowledge is quite limited, specific, parochial.” Martin suggests that economic knowledge is oriented to certain powerful groups, notably corporations, governments and economists themselves. Martin speaks of knowledge as being “all sorts” for example a mechanic knows about motors and a parent knows about a child. Yet, he shifts away from these sorts to focus on the sorts of knowledge that have greatest credibility-knowledge certified by scientists, engineers, medical researchers, lawyers and other such reports. Still, the issue does not stop there Martin speaks of the shaping of knowledge and coined the old saying “the one who pays the piper calls the tune.” Meaning because of hierachy and funding the people at the top provides a strong steering process-therefore only certain types of knowledge are likely to result because the researchers are paid to look only for certain types of things.

The availablity of this book chapter online certainly exemplify Martin’s idea that scholarship should be liberated. Just as this chapter is readily available even so scholarship should be. Not with all the red tapes, excessive questions and essay writing that it entails at present.

Assignment 5B

In David Weinberger’s “Too Big To Know” knowledge is considered to be “overload” and being “just data” that by itself is nothing until it is process- and the outcome information. The author states that information is to data what wine is to the vineyard- the delicious extract and distillate. So what does Weinberger means by “infrastructure of knowledge”? First one has to know what infrastructure means- it is simply “organizational structure needed for the operation of a society or enterprise. According to Weinberger you have to refine the data to produce information, and you have refined the information to generate something of greater value. You have got to call it something. How about “Knowledge”?  that is a know-how that transforms “information into instructions,” such as knowing how a system works or how to make it work in a desired way.” For example the author give the illustration of understanding the world that far outruns our brain’s capacity has been filter, winnow and otherwise reduce to something more manageable, by using editorial filters. In essence knowledge has been about reducing what we need to know.

Thus, how can an understanding of knowledge infrastructure make us better researchers. Since we have established that infrastructure is about organizational structure, knowing how the “data” or “information” structure function is key. How does “data” or “information” sources work that will give the best knowledgeable output when researching. Is there an heirachy of information and how does it work?


Assignment 4B

Classification otherwise know as  Taxonomy,  is the grouping or ranking or grading of things that have similar qualities or characteristics. But why is classification important? First, I believe that classification is important, thus to support my answer I refer to the chapter by Wright. According to Wright, “Taxonomies are reflections of the human thought; they express our most fundamental concepts about the objects of our universe.” He further went on to say that “our predisposition to classify at all is an ancient trait and clearly has an adaptive advantage.” I was amazed as to how much we are affected by this “classification thing”.  Dye’s article on the subject stem from a different angle, she  uses the word “Folksonomy” in relation to classification of metadata. She states “the process is simple enough: Users assign a name or tag to any image, article, blog, bookmark or Url. Later when they want to recall the content, they search for its tag and find exactly what they are looking for.” Hence I believe it is safe to say that without classification which in essence is term as taxonomy and folksonomy one would have a very hard time gathering data. The length of time taken for a given research would be twice as much if classification was not applicable. Finally, as Badke says “Any database is only as useful as its retrieval capacity.”


Assignment 3B

When one hears the word identity the first thing that comes to mind is that which is use to identify or locate someone. Thus, digital identity is identification used by computers, cell phones act. and is equal to that of the real identity of a person.  The question is asked “Who controls our identity?” and instantaneously the reply should be every individual controls his or her identity. Never the less we know this is not the case in so many areas of our lives. Identity theft is something that has plagued us and in many cases have left a legacy of woe. Hence I asked this question “Do you believe that people have a “right to be forgotten”? and in my estimation I will say yes because there are many times articles and stories that have no truth “escape” from editors and writers and make their way across the digital world leaving a trail that discredit innocent persons and in many instances destroy lives and up and coming careers. Therefore, under these circumstances I will definitely suggest the right to be forgotten clause. 

Another pertinent question that is put forth is Does the “right to be forgotten” clash with our 1st amendment “Free Speech” rights? and I most profoundly say no. I believe in the First Amendment but only when it uphold truth and does not defamed someone’s character or destroy a person’s life or livelihood. What good is there when a story is printed based on the First Amendment of Free Speech yet there is no truth to it? The outcome- hurt lives, lawsuits, lost of employments maybe death cause by suicide. Therefore, I emphatically believe that people have the “right to be forgotten.”


Newman: the “right to be forgotten”.

  1. Do you think the “right to be forgotten” should be broken up into different categories?
  2. Is it better to keep sensitive information on file in a City Hall or Library than on a search engine?
  3. Do you think that striker rules and regulations should be used to implement the “right to be forgotten”?

Seaman: Learning from Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past.

  1. Do you think that an article or story should remain published or taken down when there is no truth to it?
  2. Do you think journalists should be given a strick code of conduct in terms of writing and publishing stories that they must adhere by?
  3. Do you think that if a mistake should occur that not only the journalist, but the company also should give an account?

Assignment 2B

Drug addiction and drug use is one of the most debilitating thing that is crippling our nation and people. In my estimation people from all walk of life is affected by it. Yet, it is a plight that is hush, hush in society and in some ways have placed on the back burner. Take for example the rampant and open use of heroine that has escalated in the Central Park area- a place where families visit to spend recreational time with their children. One can safely say that truly people have lost their minds and conscience also because of this madness.

Yet I was truly amazed as I compare and contrast two articles dealing with the drug use subject. Fox News. com elegant heading said “Drug use in America: What the numbers say”. While the independent Sullivan News. com outright heading said “Defeating This Enemy Called Drug Addiction.”. Same topic yet one certainly gets a different emotional response. Main Stream Media – Fox News in my opinion soften what is a plight while independent Sullivan News in my opinion unashamedly called it out. As I continued to read both articles, Fox news used words such as “disorders” or “substance disorders” when addressing  drug use. While independent Sullivan News repeating referred to the problem as “drug addiction”. What really left me puzzled after reading both articles is the simple fact that Fox News only used Marijuana as the most commonly used drug. While using statistics from a survey to convince the reader that at some point drug use has and is on the decline. Sullivan News on the other hand went in depth to speak about heroin and it’s effects and pain killers. The article continued to speak about the effects of drug use and addiction that lead people to jail, commit crimes and even murders. Same topic yet the Mains Stream Media cushioned it so well that one may barely concern themselves as to the drug epidemic that is sweeping our country. Affecting individuals at different age and walk of life. The question can be asked “How Bias is That?”