Assignment 10B

The article “Climate Change and Future Fire Regimes: Examples from California” is simply self-explanatory, referring to a somewhat imagined future.  Throughout the article Keeley explains how important it is to be aware of our climate changing and the impact it has had. She discusses different ways those who are knowledgeable can prevent future wildfire from occurring on land due to global warming issues.  Everyone around the world has been feeling the effects of global warming and many are very concerned.  As years go by it gets worse and continues to impact our climate which hasn’t been the same for some time now.  I remember when winter used to be decent and not so frigid cold.  I also remember when summer would be warm and not so scorching hot. Hot enough to cause fire activity on land, especially areas that have a more elevated landscape and larger trees.

This is why this particular article sheds light on the urgency to prepare for the possibility of future fires.   Keeley explained, “Climate models that predict future seasonal temperature changes are needed to improve fire regime projections” (page 1, para 1). There has been many studies regarding global warming and the dangers that come with it. Scientists have been keeping a close eye on it for years.  In regards to global warming and future fire regimes Keeley mentioned, “Modeling results generally predict increase fire frequency and fire severity for much of the globe; however, these projections need to be viewed with caution as they are based on rather uncertain and spatially variable relationships between temperature and fire activity, and compromise ecosystems with very different fuel structures” (page 3, para 4).  Unfortunately, no matter how much research those who are studying about global warming may do, there is no way to completely predict the future impacts it may cause. Due to the many variables that may appear along the way.

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