Assignment #5B

Throughout Weinberger’s chapter “Too Big To Know” he explicates infrastructure of knowledge with high importance.  We are constantly overloaded with so much information/data that this structure that has been created overtime seems to work. Weinberger states that, “The same way you justified your investment in data. You’ve refined the data to produce information, and you’ve refined the information to generate something of greater value”.  All of our searches and keywords are strained through the system on a daily basis,  when we are looking to gain knowledge on a particular topic that we search. On the other hand, it does have its negative and positive aspects about it.  Weinberger explains this, “But we’ve paid a hidden price: We have raised the bar so high that we have sometimes excluded ideas that were nevertheless worth considering…”. When our searches are refined we are being given the top sources of information from different databases, but at the same time we are also be limited to other data out there that may be useful to our research.  Although, having an infrastructure of knowledge may have a slight downside about it, it is proven to be very helpful as well.  It in fact helps researches find particular information faster being that everyone is able find what they are looking for by just typing in certain keywords.

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