Assignment 2B

Corporate interest will always affect the information we receive as it can effectively censor certain topics or bits of information. Corporations will usually think from a financial standpoint rather than in the best interest of others. The information being presented needs to be profitable for them and something that isn’t too controversial, unless it’s unintended or an oversight, and can bring upon more views, more advertisement, or more clicks, basically, more revenue for them. Simply think back to when cigarettes were being advertised as healthy and research studies were concluding that were, in fact, healthy. Even though at the time it was known to be the opposite, as long as corporations could still get more money into their pocket, they would do whatever to manipulate or fabricate results.

In terms of an example of something not being covered, I remember a video I watched last semester when researching a similar topic, where a big new corporation was interviewing a reporter. In this interview, they were discussing all the issues and problems that were occurring in the Middle East. The reporter then when on to tell them of all the good things that were going on in the Middle East and asking why these things were not being reported on. Why had all the news outlets omitted anything positive going on and only focused on the negative? The interviewer simply tried his best to avoid speaking on the subject and would try to steer the conversation back to the negative.

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