
Jack Lin

Hi, I am a student at city tech college and I would like to share a little about myself. This is my third year in City tech but on paper it stills says that I am an upper-level sophomore. My major in city tech is Computer Information Systems but still unsure if I want to do cybersecurity or IT operations. I played a couple of sports for fun, like handball, basketball, and some volleyball. I enjoy building computers and would love to build high-end ones as a job one day.

Amirjon Inomi

I’m in bachelor’s degree, and I’m taking Computer System Technology in Software Development track at City Tech. Since 2015, I’m managing a team based in Tajikistan. We are creating and developing webs and apps to solve problems that people face in their daily life. In addition, I’m graduating in May 2021, and I hope by that time COVID 19 will go away.

Saif Khan

I am a Junior working towards receiving a Bachelors in Computer Systems Technology with a focus on software development. I hope to use whatever I learn in this technical writing course to create excellent how to guides in building computer programs or solving math equations. As for Hobbies I love playing Video Games, Building Computers, Programming Applications, Reading Comic Books, and binging Netflix.