ENT 4410 Technical Direction ePortfolio

Problem #1

With Problem #1, we were assigned to From Here To There moving company where we were tasked to create an instruction guideline on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and also properly get to from one location to another. We also had a budget of $20 that we were able to spend with $1 being taken away for every question we would have to ask. We ended up using $13 out of the $20 for our materials that we needed. This included the spreading’s, utensils, bread, plate and moving costs. This problem was all about how we would properly write out instructions to someone that we have never met and made sure that they were written out correctly. We were also given a box where we had to have all of our materials fit in properly. With the instructions given to the reader, they were able to clearly understand them and complete the task of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

These were the final results of how the reader created the peanut butter and jelly sandwich from our instructions.

Problem #2

With Problem #2, the biggest part of the task was time management. We had to have materials ordered, scheduling for our crews ready and making sure that the schedule for building parts of the set were made and all of these had to work out. We had to come up with a plan on how to schedule construction, installation, and changeover of scenery for a concert and a talent show which the concert would take place on a Friday night and the talent show would take place on Saturday. The changeover included going from a painted logo on the ground Friday night to having the floor matte black for Saturday’s performance.


Problem #3

With Problem #3, we were tasked with solving how to reduce the shakiness of a flat when a door is slammed shut during a performance. We decided to rig our flat to using rigging hardware to a truss which using the proper rigging hardware will help prevent too much shakiness to the flat when the door is slammed. We ran into some issues where the truss we were using, the chain hoist was not high enough so we would get no tension at all when lifting the trust up. We then had to add an attachment to the top of the trust where we could add our rigging hardware where we would be able to have more tension compared to our previous rigging where it was attached to the bottom of the trust. After performing a few tests with slamming the door, it seemed to have been a successful test.




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Problem #4

With Problem #4, we were tasked with figuring out how to make a door close on itself during a performance of Core Values and how to also make a window stay open when pushed up by an actor. For the door to shut on itself, we attached a door closer onto the door and also onto the frame. It took us a few tries to figure it out because the first time we attached it, it was keeping the door open instead of closing it. We then flipped around a mechanism on the door closer which then after reinstalling it onto the door and frame, closed the door completely. There were other ways we could have achieved, one using spring loaded door hinges where if you did not want the audience to catch a peak of the door closer, using these hinges would blend right into the set. For the window to stay open, I had the idea of using stage screws which a stagehand could have placed once the actor opened the window. Colin came up with the idea of just using friction to keep the window open. He was able to use a router to cut out material and once it would get close to the top, it would decrease in width causing the frame to get wedged into the material. We then swapped with another team to finish their problem which was with the performance of Dog Fight.

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Final Reflections

Overall, I learned a lot from this semester. I learned how to manage my time a lot more better than I already had with meeting deadlines for each of the problems. I also got to work more on learning about AutoCad as I am not the best with it but got to learn it even more with some of the problems. I also learned how to rig which was actually pretty interesting working with the aircraft cable to hang our door flat.