Tetiana Baranovska’s ePortfolio

Tetiana Baranovska's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

Internship (Journal)

Recent Posts

Work Internship (Tetiana Baranovska)

Tetiana Baranovska Journal entry for intership (1 week) 9/20-9/23 Long week, worked for 8 hours […] See MoreWork Internship (Tetiana Baranovska)

Project brief

Tetiana Baranovska COMD3530 Health Benefits of Playing Tennis By Michael Cramton A tennis […] See MoreProject brief


This is the first post on your Learning Blog. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! The […] See MoreWelcome!

Recent Comments

Comment on "Welcome!"

Journal entry for intership (Tetiana Baranovska) (1 week) 9/20-9/23 Long week, worked for 8 hours […] See MoreComment on "Welcome!"