MAT 2580 Intro to Lin­ear Al­ge­bra – Spring 2013 – Gan­guli

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  • Today: Office Hours & Takehome Midterm
  • #13370

    Suman Ganguli

    Just a re­minder that I will hand out the take­home midterm today in class, and that you will have until Mon­day to do it.

    We can go over some Ch 3 & 5 ex­am­ples in class today. We will also cover some new ma­te­r­ial (Sec 5.3).

    I have of­fice hours today 1-2pm so you can come by to dis­cuss any home­work ques­tions, and/or dis­cuss the extra credit pro­ject. I will also be avail­able for ap­prox 15mins be­fore and after class to dis­cuss any ques­tions.


    Ms. Desir

    is there a prob­lem with ma­trix E of prob­lem 3 of the midterm?


    Suman Ganguli

    No, I think it should be fine. You should be able to row re­duce A to E. FYI, it should take no more than 10 row op­er­a­tions.

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