MAT 2580 Intro to Lin­ear Al­ge­bra – Spring 2013 – Gan­guli

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  • Midterm #3: homework as takehome exam
  • #13363

    Suman Ganguli

    Since we are run­ning out of time for a 3rd midterm, here is what we will do in­stead: I will ask you to write up the so­lu­tions for a hand­ful of ex­er­cises from Chap­ters 3 and 5, and I will grade those as I would an exam.

    I will give you the list of ex­er­cises in class this Wednes­day (May 15), and col­lect them the fol­low­ing Mon­day (May 20).


    Ms. Desir

    That’s a great idea … I can breathe a lil eas­ier thank you prof Gan­guli

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