MAT 2580 Intro to Lin­ear Al­ge­bra – Spring 2013 – Gan­guli

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  • Ch5 HW
  • #13366

    Suman Ganguli

    Here are HW ex­er­cises for Sec­tions 5.1 & 5.2:

    Sec 5.1: #1-19 odd (de­f­i­n­i­tions of eigen­vec­tors/eigen­val­ues)
    Sec 5.2: #1-17 odd (find­ing eigen­val­ues via the char­ac­ter­is­tic equa­tion)

    You should be able to do most of these fairly quickly. Look at the ex­am­ple we did in class yes­ter­day, and also the ex­am­ples and prac­tice prob­lems in the book. Try to do these be­fore class to­mor­row. That way we can go over any ques­tions you have.

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