Individual Strengths

Individual strength

         One of my greatest skills is communication skills. As a Registered Nurse, I mostly provide care under the complex and emergent environments. This provides me great opportunity to enhance my communication and interpersonal skills with patients, families, doctors and other interdisciplinary personnel. I am also a quick responder, thinker and quick learner. I am always ready to respond quickly to emergencies and other situations that arise, and make sure I am always on top of everything as possible as I can. I keep updated the new technology, skills and knowledge, and incorporate what I learn into my nursing practice. I am very motivated and passionate about my profession. Therefore, I am committed to my career and looking forward to my professional development. As a foreign nurse from China, I am fluent in English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Fukinese, these language advantages allow me to help those patients who have language barriers.     

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