My Personal Statement of Beliefs/Philosophy about Nursing

         As a Registered Nurse, I truly believe that nursing as a professional can help people in a meaningful way, and I feel passionate to help those in need. Nursing is an honorable career, and should not be treated as just a job to earn a paycheck. My mission is to proudly provide nonjudgmental care to those in need regardless of race, spiritual beliefs, lifestyle choices, financial status, or disability.

         My philosophy is that nurses have a responsibility to provide safe, holistic, patient-centered care. As advocates, we should empower patients by encouraging them to become active partners in their own care and engage in mutual goal-setting between ourselves and the patient. We should maintain our cultural competency in order to practice in today’s multicultural heath care context.  We must educate patients and their families on diseases, treatments, and healthy behaviors in order to improve their outcomes. We should also strive to model positive healthy behaviors in our own lives in the belief that we will provide better care to others if we care for ourselves first.


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