Category Archives: Uncategorized

final project

I am working on the final project, I write about nuclear power. what is history about nuclear power. How to function it? what is advantage and disadvantage using nuclear power ?

the shallows

The shallows: how the internet is changing the way we think, read and remember. The claim the internet making us stupid, and explores the effects of the internet on the brain. also research shows “online reading” yields lower comprehension than reading a printed page

instruction manual

I really like instruction manual this assignment. it’s can improve our writing skill a lot. I already start with my instruction manual assignment, almost half way done. the only thing I don’t like it which is 1500 word, kind of a lot.

six steps- how to install windows 10

  1. first you need to have the  Ios files of windows 10 either CD or USB flash.
  2. then go into your computer BIOS, set CD or USB flash as your first priority booster
  3. plus in CD or USB flash begin to install windows 10
  4. Active your windows 10 operation system
  5.  install any necessary software or application like Microsoft office
  6. set password for user, protect user information.

The assignment number two is about the expanded Definition of scientific term. I choose topic   “Artificial Intelligence ” because I realized “Artificial Intelligence ” get in to our daily life. such as iphone ‘s  Siri.  you can talk to your phone. you can ask your phone to do something for you.


Time go very fast, it’s almost half way through this semester, I have 3 class coming out midterm by next week. Midterm is going to analyze how students doing so far, but for me it’s stressful. I hate take exam, however, it can put me to study hard.

chapter 1 communication, your career and this book

The communication is really importance for our career. there are many people know how to talk, but they don’t know how to communicate. for example, Donald trump he is  a great elocutionist, that why he can convince many people to vote for him. no matter how excellent our technical skill, if we don’t know how to communicate, we can not success in our career.


This is difficult for me to write the summary. and very hard to find suitable article,  either the article too old, too short or too long. Also I would like to find something interesting for me. I realize there are not so many choice.