Individual Strengths

In my daily life I assume a variety of roles with a variety of responsibilities. I think that I manage it all pretty well and I tend to excel at most things I do. One of my biggest strengths is time management. I’m organized and I prioritize tasks all the time, whether is school-related, work-related or personal duties. I always have a “mental” schedule of things I need to do this month, week and day. I’m always punctual and I try to do things earlier rather than leaving it for the last minute.

Another strength that I have is the desire to learn, not only in college but also in my everyday day life. If I read an article and I don’t know a word I always look it up because I want to expand my knowledge. I prefer reading scientific articles and news articles. I expect to graduate with my BSN in Spring 2016, but I plan to pursue higher education the future. My goal is at least a Master’s degree.

I’m highly motivated and ambitious. I like to get things done. Challenging things don’t scare me but motivate me. I like accomplishing things and I feel proud of it. I believe that in order to be successful, I have to put effort and try my best at anything I do, regardless how seemingly unimportant that work is.

While talking about my strengths I can’t help it but mention my biggest weakness. All my motivation and the desire to be organized have a downside too. I’m impatient, but I cope with it everyday by having alternative plans and outcomes, if the things don’t work out the way I want.

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