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Mission Statement

Mr. Chen’s professional mission statement is to find a business career that would best suit his skills and interest.

That means exploring various entry-level positions, garnering new skills, and meeting industry veterans. He has great soft skills such as time management, communication, emotional intelligence, and teamwork. His technical skills consist of proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, Google Drive, and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat). He also speaks a foreign language (Cantonese Chinese). His goal is finding the perfect career at the perfect time at his pace while being patient, adaptive, flexible, and happy. Only then, will he find out what his professional career will be.

Please refer to the “Career” tab to view Mr. Chen’s Professional Goals and Objectives

Welcome to Ambitious Zi Di

Ambitious Zi Di is the brand and logo of Mr. Chen. The colors of Mr. Chen’s ePortfolio are Tiger Orange, Bumble Yellow, Jet Black, and Consensus Gray. The chosen colors reflect Mr. Chen’s identity. Orange represents friendly and sociable, Yellow represents happiness and optimism, Black represents intrigue and sophistication, and Gray represents neutrality and sophistication (Bell & Turnus, 2017). Below are descriptive bubbles that reflect Mr. Chen’s attributes.