About Me

Mr. Zi Di Chen’s brand is “Ambitious ZiDi”. As a Business Fashion student at the New York City College of Technology (City Tech), Mr. Chen has gone through vast changes from 2016 to 2020. His experiences at City Tech have shaped who he is presently. He is outgoing, hardworking, disciplined, sophisticated, and optimistic. His best traits are his outgoing personality and disciplined work ethic. He is very sociable with all sorts of people and possesses the ability to connect with every single unique individual. When he sets my mind on completing something within a certain deadline, his disciplined work ethic has helped him prevail every time. The Ambitious Zi Di brand logo includes the colors black, gray, and yellow. Those colors were chosen for the logo because according to Bell & Ternus (2017), the psychology of each color has a meaning attached to it…black can mean intrigue and sophistication, gray can mean neutral and sophisticated, and yellow can mean happiness and optimism. Each of those colors has interpretations that best describe Mr. Chen’s ambitious self, hence his brand name is “Ambitious ZiDi”.