
Professional Goals

Mr. Chen’s professional goals are obtaining a graduate degree, earning professional certifications, obtaining a managerial position, strengthening note-taking skills, strengthening communication skills, and owning a business.

Once he has settled on the career that suits him, he will obtain his graduate degree and professional certifications to strengthen his knowledge and qualifications for that career. The graduate degree and professional certifications will aid him in obtaining a managerial position or higher in his future career. He realized that his note-taking skills are not up to his standards and that has bothered him. Moving forward, his efficient note taking will be very crucial in picking up new skills quickly. Despite him stating that communication is one of his soft skills, he believes that there is always room for improvement when it comes to communicating. As his intelligence grows, his tone of diction will change, therefore, strengthening communication will be a lifelong goal. His long-term goal is to own a business one day because it has been a dream of his since childhood. Once the business is profitable and established, he hopes his philanthropic initiatives can begin.

Professional Objectives

Mr. Chen’s professional objectives are exploring his career interests, gaining new industry-related skills, learning Spanish, learning a computer language, and advancing in his career.

His first step to achieving his mission is by exploring career interests. After obtaining his baccalaureate degree, he will not know the career he desires immediately out of college. Obtaining his first few entry-level positions will help him understand what best suits him. While exploring career interests, he will need to pick up industry-related skills. Some skills will be more beneficial than others but understanding which skills he excels at will definitely factor into the direction of his business career. Even though he is bilingual, his second language is not the most valuable language to learn in business. With the growing population of Spanish speakers, he aspires to learn Spanish to open up more career opportunities in the future. With the emergence of advancing technology, learning a computer language will be very beneficial to almost all careers. Financial Technology is a field that he would like to be part of in the future and that requires having a business background and fluency in a computer language. His last objective is advancement in his business career. The desire to advance over time is what makes a career meaningful. If he ever feels that his future career has come to a halt, he would consider changing careers.