Assignment #5 – WIT

 Assignment #5- WIT 

(1)    How does this film portray the relationships between the patient and her health care providers?

This film discusses how lack of communication between healthcare professionals and their patients. It was very sad that the physicians did not know that she was a highly educated nurse and knew that the treatment wouldn’t work.  The client character of the client was very disappointing. I imagined myself after going to school and obtaining a coveted Masters or Doctorate and then letting uncaring physicians have any say in how you live out your last days. 

(2)    How does the film portray the health care providers?

The film showed that bedside manner and how a client is spoken to makes a big difference.  I feel that physicians were just worshiping the attending and ignoring their real purpose of being there for the patient. The “pecking order” of the medical also was displayed throughout the film. The environment where the nurse feels afraid to go to the doctor, where the residents feel afraid to voice concerns to the attending. The lack of communication suppresses the clinical skills, judgment and knowledge of everyone in the multidisciplinary team. The IOM Report recommends that nurses act as full partners with the other members of the multidisciplinary team.

(3)    What role does nursing play in the patient’s care?

It was a proud moment for nursing in this film. The nurse really advocated for the client and helped her with the health care proxy. I loved how the nurse sat down and discussed her options with the client without being depressing about her circumstances.

(4)    Consider the nurse’s advocacy role, and her teaching role. Is there any place that she could have done a better job in taking care of the patient? Any room for improvement in her delivery to care to this patient? (Do not criticize the technical care, remember artistic license.)

The nurse could have voiced her concerns to the physicians sooner and not be afraid of the “pecking order.” Out of all the clinicians the nurse was by far one of the best.  However the client herself is an intellectual I am sure she knew her rights- was she waiting for someone to offer them to her?

(5)    What is important to this patient? What was troubling to this patient regarding her care?  What is important in nursing education on any level in order for our nursing force to deliver patient centered care?

The patient cared about how she was treated and how she was made to feel by all the members of the team. Going back the scene where she was moved from one examination room to the other without an explanation. A short synopsis would have been nice and made the difference in her perception of care. 

(6) How do we deliver patient centered care?

 How could we change our practice to address these deficiencies in health care? Is it reasonable to expect that we could address the patient as a person, and still have time to take care of our patients?   How do nurses get to know patients?

It is not crazy to suggest that we treat the patient as a person.  From this movie that is all that the client wanted to feel like was a person.  However she was in the profession and could have said something about her feelings. Then she would be faced with the pressured feelings healthcare providers face when dealing with a fellow healthcare provider it’s a weird feeling taking care of a nurse or physician.

(7)      What is our current nursing practice?  

I feel that there is a standardized way by which nurses must practice but the theory or theories that each nurse or facility decides to commit to is entirely up to them.