
Various reasons to why abortion should be illegal include both religious and moral issues. One of the prime reasons as to why abortions should be prevented is quite simple actually. If you undergo an abortion you are taking the life of a living beingĀ . Life begins at the moment of conception. At this point in time the unborn baby has its own unique genetic code making it a living entity. Therefore having an abortion at this stage is the same as taking the unborn babyā€™s life. It completely neglects the whole concept of the preservation of life. One of the basics of human nature is self-preservation and terminating the existence of oneā€™s soul contradicts that basic law we have set for ourselvesĀ . Another substantial downside of abortion is that it is also a health riskĀ . Experiments executed at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have discovered a direct correlation between abortion and breast cancer. According to the article, ā€œTen Reasons to Why Abortion Is Evil and Not Pro-Choiceā€, by TFP student action, ā€œThe risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women.ā€ Just knowing the fact that going through an abortion would bring harm to the womanā€™s health should give us an even greater incentive as to why we should make abortion illegal.