Abortion statistics

Statistics portray that a substantial amount of pregnancies end in abortions . In the article, “Induced Abortion in the United States”, Johns RK states that “21% of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion.” This further emphasizes the negative impact that abortions have on women. The greater the amount of women that go through an abortion, the greater the chances of those same women getting breast cancer. The greater the amount of abortions in turn leads to us killing more babies. As you can see, an increase in the amount of abortions leads to a chain of negative impacts it has on us and society. According to Jones RK, “Half of the pregnancies among American women are unintended and 4 in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.” This just shows how widespread the practice of abortion is in the United States. It is so drastic to the point where 40% of these pregnancies end in abortion . Some people might even look at it from a religious perspective and say that the idea of an abortion offends their god. They believe their god created all beings and humans trying to take a life away is them trying to play god. In the article, “Ten Reason Why Abortion is Evil and not a Pro-Choice”, TFP student action states that “Church teaching an abortion is clear and unequivocal. Abortion is murder. There are no exceptions allowed, no compromises allowed.” Religiously, abortion is murder, and there is no forgiveness for murder .

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