Opposing Views

There are contrasting viewpoints on the opposing side, the pro-choice side, as well. Pro-choice supporters believe in one making a decision for herself and of her own accord on whether or not she wants an abortion. One of the main arguments of the opposing sides is that women should be able to make her own decisions when it comes to the matter of her own body. They believe they don’t have to explain or justify themselves to anyone. According to the article , “Face It, Anti-Abortion Advocates: Pro-Choice is Pro-Life”, Paola Dragnic states “A woman seeking an abortion should not have to explain or apologize to anybody, period.” Although it is true that it is her own body, it doesn’t change the fact that she’s taking the life of an innocent baby and is committing a murder . Some also argue that refusing to let a woman make her own decision is the same as refusing to value women. They say this because is some cases they believe that the baby’s life is considered to be of more value than their own. As Paola stated “And they don’t want to consider that if you say that a human life has value and you steadfastly refuse to value women, you’re not just ridiculously hypocritical, you’re being downright dangerous.” Dragnic speaks from her own past experiences. She had to have an abortion because of some health issues during the pregnancy but was quick to be judged as a murderer when she made her decision. Even though what happened to her was unfair and wrong, this was just her own personal experience. In general, doctors wouldn’t force a woman to go through and deliver a baby if it brought any type of harm to her body .