EMT 1111

Date and Time

In this lab we were required to to do the strings and console tutorial and it was very difficult at first but now It’s fine. I understand it now because I kept doing it over and over. The Date and Time assignment was also a little difficult but you get a better understand once you keep doing it.

Tip Calculator


The tip calculator exercise on Code Academy required us to first do a tutorial on the basics of coding. Then I was required to complete the tip calculator exercise which was very interesting and informative. When I messed up I tried again and to get the correct code. After awhile I was no longer getting errors.

Guess the Number Game

For this assignment we were asked to use python. We had to use python to create a guessing game in which the computer had to guess the numbers that we chose. Using the rules of python that we learned in class I was able to create a game.

Taking a Vacation

For this assignment we had to make believe that we were taking a five day vacation. We had to look at the costs of each trip and figure them out using strings and functions. This lab was a little bit hard because it was confusing at first, but has I practiced I got a better understanding of what I was doing.


A Day at the Supermarket

This lesson was a little difficult because we were using loops, lists, and dictionaries. We were asked to write specific functions using these. In this lesson we were imagining shopping at the Code Academy market where we made lists with different food groups.



This lesson put a twist on the classic game and turned it into something that helped with coding. We created a code which allowed the player to make four guesses before they lost the game. We used loops along with stings to help with this code. It was difficult at first but now it makes more sense.