

Based on its geographical location, Galicia’s culture is distinct from the traditional Spanish culture. Galicia borders both Austria and Portugal which has greatly impacted their cultural development. Most Galicians identify themselves as “Celtic” rather than Spanish.​ Unlike other regions of Spain where the commonly spoken language is “Castellano”, Galicians speak an additional dialect, called Gelleno, derived from Portuguese. (Galicia’s Guide, 2005).

Differences in Galicia’s culture include muted colors and more conservative methods of celebration as oppose to other regions of Spain where the dress is often more vibrant and celebrations include festivities, loud music, and flamenco dancing. The use of muted tones is highly resembled and can be seen in most of Zara’s collections.




On average, Zara Produces 12,000 styles per year (Harbott, 2011), therefore, the use of technology to expedite production and delivery is a major part of the company. ​

Zara has included a Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID) (Inditex, 2019) which allows the instant tracking of garments within the stores to ensure faster and easier delivery to customers.​

In order to keep up with and attract millennials customers Zara has included reality experiences in stores. Now consumers can use their mobile phones to see models wearing the garments displayed in stores and order said garments. ​These implementations served as a way to attract millennials and further engage the customers with their retail experiences.


Zara is a Contemporary, fast-fashion retailer. It’s demographics Consists of children and both men and women between the ages of 18 and 40 with a mid-range income.

Zara often targets Millennials and young adults who are fashion-forward and socially conscious.

Zara’s success lies in its connectivity with its customers to create a sense of loyalty that later reflects on the success of each line they release. Their main focus is to pull the customer in and stay on top of their needs by adapting to societal changes with them.