Today at the MOMA

Hope all have had a chance enjoy the break and see family and friends. For today, Sunday January 6th, I will be going to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) located
11 West 53 Street, Manhattan
Please enter at 18 West 54 Street, and will be there shortly after 11:30am and wait until Noon. For those of you who are still considering the visit, there’s time, Look for me in the lobby and in the museum, or look for fellow classmates. I will wait just inside where they check your tickets. Remember to get a free ticket from membership services by showing your CUNY card.
If you are already at the MOMA now, you know i opens at 10:30 and I would say to take an initial hour walk around to see what appeals to you and come down to the lobby at 11:30 and we can revisit some of your favorite as well as other works I frequently point out as a docent, or informed guide.  OR visit the museum store or archive, book store.
After a few hours , or when we tire of hunger, I usually seeek to have a coffee in their cafe, and shop the windows along the avenues or walk through Rockefeller Center.
SO grab a small sketchbook, and some pencils, and a guest if you have one. Perhaps I ‘ll see you there this morning?   Just meant to be a casual way to appreciate New York City’s MOMA outside of class time.
I believe everyone has received their grades. I can discuss any parts today, an continue privately with any additional information.
Thank you.
Robert Zagaroli

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