Yiraldy Veloz

I’m a mother of 3 whose been out of school for quite some time. I finished high school in Florida, spent some time in Dominican Republic and then came to New York to start my family. I like to help others and to cook. I hope to be an event planner and a chef. My favorite part about it is seeing my friend’s face of gratitude after their special event is put together. It’s the same face my kids give me when I plan their birthdays.

In the past I’ve worked as a waitress, a cashier, and a home attendant. I currently work as an Uber and Lyft driver. Each position has given me experience in the food industry and with people. I hope to bring those skills with me when I am planning events for a living.

In order for you to pursue your dreams you need to be sure of what you want in life. Furthermore, you have to set small goals that will help you start and follow through the path of your dream to be able to achieve your goal. I’m determined and persistent to get my degree, so that I can begin to do what I love for a living.

I want to be an example for my children. I want them to see, through me, that everything is possible, that it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to pursue your dreams, as long as you know what you want to be in life, you can get it done. Also, I want them to see that its never too late to start all over again.


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