Useful Links

Here are some useful resources I have utilized throughout school to help complete various assignments.

 I found this website useful because you can learn to code a lot of languages with hands on help and assistance.

This website has a lot of resourceful tools for Matlab which can help engineering students complete any assignments, and help us get a better grasp of coding along with mathematics, simultaneously.





Non-Engineering Links

This is a great tool for any young future professionals who are looking to establish their credit history. Good credit history is a very important aspect of a person’s life because with good credit, you can always move forward and achieve goals that would normally be unattainable without a good credit history.

This website is great for anyone who wants to learn about investing, and just finances in general. As engineers, while we are blessed with a greater understanding of mathematics, that does not mean that we are prepared for our financial futures. We can all use a little coaching, or advice sometimes in order to better ourselves financially. This website is an incredible resource, that is open to many opinions, various professional advices, and is used by both amateurs and professionals alike.

Great source of news, music, entertainment, and everything in between.