About Me

My name is Yevgeniy but I prefer Gene.

I graduated Brooklyn Technical High School and am currently going to school part-time at New York City College of Technology. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering Technology, and will finish my Associate’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering Technology by the end of the Fall 2013 semester. My current GPA, while attending the New York City College of Technology, is 3.703.

It has been a long passion of mine to work in a technical field where I am able to help provide services to various complex digital systems, analog systems, wireless networks, wired networks, and different devices. Despite my thorough experience in the financial field, my passion has always been leaning towards work where I get to utilize technology to help others, which is exactly why I decided to pursue a career in Engineering Technology.

I feel like am ready to take the next step and switch over to my dream career. The 5 years I spent in banking were very valuable because I was able to polish many skill sets, and obtain new ones as well. Hopefully, over the next year I will be able to find a job that will appreciate my passion and the value I will bring to the workforce. I will continue to always make it a goal to improve myself both as an employee, as well as a human being.

Thank you for stopping by and if you have any suggestions or questions, you can always reach out to me at morozov.yevgeniy@gmail.com


