homework 26

English 1121

Yongwei liu

Research paper first essay


During 21st Century, a lot of young people like play ESports, it can make young people interest and get money and have teamwork awareness. People meet stranger don’t know how to talk each other and don’t know what should they talk, because they don’t know they are common interest, but in the internet, although we are don’t know each other and we don’t know where are you from, but we are play same game, so we have same common interest, and different color people if have same interest, it can make they are close together or will be good friend. ESports have a lot of nerd and Silent people like it, it doesn’t need people to talk other, it just wanted to silent and nerd people type or play. People in the society, must be know how to talk with someone, you must be having good relationships or power make people like, if you don’t have it, you must be out. However, in the ESports world, relationships and power no important for that, you should have good skill, when you have good skill then people will like you and follow you, you can make live in the twitch, and people watch you playing game, sometime people would donate money for you if you play well or he is your fans. ESports can make people have interest with it and ESports can make you get money and ESports have big trend in future.

A lot of young people like play computer game, whatever game have some player play it, because the game can make him proud and interest also relax. From NYTimes article, “The whole point of a massively multiplayer online game like WOW or EverQuest is that players can take pride that their virtual accomplishments and wealth reflect real human effort, determination, ingenuity and skill.”   Some people no confidence in his life and work. Every day meet to boss, too scare him, always think did I do wrong thing, will boss want to fire me? but in the online game, you don’t need to thinking too much, you can do anything what you want, and it can make you proud and confidence. And when you play some game, that game need you to do some mission, it’s kind of like give you target, you just need to follow the target, and finish it, this game can make you have human effort and determination, when you have human effort and determination, you can use it in your real life and it will help you close your dream and finish half. ““Relaxing video games put people in a good mood.  And when people are in a good mood, they are more inclined to help others, and that’s better for everyone,” Bushman said.” The article implying when you play relaxing video game, that game can make you happy, and when you get happy, you would like to help others, and make you get more happiness. so ESports have a lot of game, you should choose one better for you play. Someone like to play violent games, because it can make you excitement and stimulation, someone like to play relaxing video game, because it can make you relax and relieve stress.  “Most games involve a huge number of mental tasks, and playing can boost any one of them. Fast-paced, action-packed video games have been shown, in separate studies, to boost visual acuity, spatial perception, and the ability to pick out objects in a scene. Complex, strategy-based games can improve other cognitive skills, including working memory and reasoning.”  The article imply we should play a lot of video game, because the game is too hard, you should use your brain to think how to play and finish the mission. Its same like homework, you should think how to solve that problem and find the answer, when you play the video game, you should think how to play and where the next step going? And find the mission station, it should use a lot of Brain Cells to solve problem. So I think video game it’s good for teenage or young man to play it.

People like play video game, and hope they will be professional gamer because if the professional gamers won the final game, and they can get 1 million dollars, and each one can get 200,000 dollars. From NYTimes, “global revenue for games is $20 billion higher than the music industry’s and is chasing that of the movie business — the games industry has turned its ambitions toward the lucrative world of professional video game competition, widely known as e-sports.” the article implying in this 21st century, the game having already upended the entertainment world, and its big trend for video game and we know a lot of people play video game because they know if you can play well, some game company will get you join the company game group, and work for company. But I thought it is same, because you can still play game what you like and you don’t need to paid rent and gas, just play game every day with your teammate, and you still have wage. That is good idea. And we know some college agree student play E-sports and support them, also have some school have E-sports club, welcome student join it. “This fall, Robert Morris University in Chicago will dole out over $500,000 in athletic scholarships to gamers, the first of their kind in the United States, and Ivy League universities have intercollegiate gaming. Last week, the web giant Amazon announced it was buying Twitch, a hugely popular video streaming service used by gamers, for $970 million in cash.” We can see that the E-sports is how popular for now, because investors like to money invested or buy about E-sports, I think E-sports can make a lot of money for investors, so E-sports is good Investments. “For the last two years, another publisher, Activision Blizzard, has put up $1 million in prize money for a championship in Los Angeles for its combat shooting game Call of Duty.”  We know that ordinary people have work to live in the U.S and they can get $3000 left of one month, so if $3000/one month, they can get 36000 of one year. However, you are pro gamer, and work for your company, you can get your wage, also when you are winner for final game, you still can get another wage. If one million for 5 people, each people can get $200,000. otherwise, you still have time to do Live in the twitch, its hugely popular video streaming service used by gamers, people will donate money for you, if you are funny and play good game.

E-sports is big trend for future, some people play the game as a career, because games can make they get more money, why they need to do hard work? Just play the game with your teammate 7-8 hour or more of each day, and doing well at game competitions. “Top video game players in South Korea are household names. Millions of people tune in to watch game competitions on television. The largest Internet portal, Naver, has its own section covering the results.” The article implying the video game too hot and popular in the South Korea, people like to play video game and watch game competitions. And “Fourteen years ago, you had a government that gave a thumbs-up to e-sports — it was professionally organized, and it was on television, so it became a mainstream thing,” we can see that the government is support E-sports growing, so why we need to stop play E-sport? The E-sports a mainstream thing, we need to more know more E-sports, we should know how E-sports too popular in these year, will it stop the development for next few year? and, “Since its debut in 2009, League of Legends has evolved from a small population of desktop-computer warriors into a full-scale phenomenon. In the process, it has become an e-sport.” The article implying the League of Legends too hot, a lot of people play that game, it making a lot of money for riot company.

E-sports is good for everyone to play it, you should have a reasonable allocation of time to play it, it can make you relax after work, and it can make you get money also E-sports have big trend for next few days. People have hobby to play game, we should respect them, we cannot kill them hobby.

Work Cite

Schiesel, Seth. “Grounding Autopilot Players of World of Warcraft.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 Feb. 2009. Web. 04 May 2016.

Bushman, Brad. “Kinder, Gentler Video Games May Actually Be Good For Players.” Kinder, Gentler Video Games May Actually Be Good For Players. The OHIO State University, n.d. Web. 04 May 2016.

Anthes, Emily. “How Video Games Are Good for the Brain.” – The Boston Globe. – The Boston Globe, 12 Oct. 2009. Web. 04 May 2016.

Wingfield, Nick. “In E-Sports, Video Gamers Draw Real Crowds and Big Money.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 30 Aug. 2014. Web. 11 May 2016.

Mozur, Paul. “For South Korea, E-Sports Is National Pastime.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 19 Oct. 2014. Web. 11 May 2016.

Segal, David. “Behind League of Legends, E-Sports’s Main Attraction.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 11 Oct. 2014. Web. 11 May 2016.