Pavilion (Battery Park)

Pavilion Sketch_1 This sketch was drawn at broad daylight one afternoon. It is an assignment a professor has assigned in which from this sketch we are asked to develop a floor plan, section and an axon. Our few sketches had to include exact measurements and its materials as well just to get an overview of the entire structure. After it was drawn it was basically an entire scavenger hunt figuring out what went where and if the measurements were correct; that was very important. The structure consisted of many beams, brick columns, stone was also included and, metal detailing.

It was a bit of a difficult segment trying to pick up the pieces of the sketch and placing it on a floor plan without knowing exactly how the original plan, section and axon was. Basically stating that it was a challenge in which eventually was achieved. Therefore, something I learned throughout this was never take a simple structure for granted because it does has its little tricks throughout the way in which can complicate the plans.