Primitive Shelter (Sketch)

PrimitivesheltersketchIts a Plain Buffalo Hide Tepee Sketch. Developed by the Native Americans in their early civilizations. It is designed in a cone shape from Buffalo skin and long wooden poles they will find out in wild, which were very hard to find. These poles were as tall as 15 feet high and they were peeled wooden limbs from lodge pole pines.

As for the entrance they will leave a flap in which faced the east, towards where the sun will rise. However, these cone shaped homes created a big open space inside in which it could sometimes hold up to 30-40 people. It also contained an open space at the top of the tepee to let smoke out from a pit they created in the middle of the tepee. One of the reasons for which it was created this way was because it was highly mobile and it was also a strong structure that withstood and maintained still.