


Bienvenido (Español),  Welcome (English) ,  Willkommen (German),
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добро пожаловать (Russian), Ni Hao (Chinnese)

I’m Yamilka Feliz and this is my eportfolio page.

I’m really glad you are here visiting my web page and that you get to know me more.

Here you will found examples of my learning experience at the New York City College of Technology where I am register in the Restaurative Dentistry Program.   I upload pictures of my progress and my student life.   I’ve been blessed with this wonderful opportunity and it is all documented in here.

Dentistry is my passion. I’ve been working for many year in this field and the most I experienced it, the more I love it.

Here your will also find  my working experience in the Dentistry field.  I’m proud to say that I’ve been in diferent position in a dental office, which I believe make my experience more completed.

You will also find my goals  and career achievements.
