Yarline Charles Narrative Self Reflection


           This essay is about the reflection of myself as a nursing student pursuing my BSN degree. The primary concern in this essay is how I fulfilled nine clinical objectives as stipulated in clinical evaluation tool concerning a service learning project.

 Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance

As a nursing student, I was able to demonstrate professionalism through my behavior and appearance. When encountering with my professor, my fellow classmates, the Senior Citizens, and the staff at Stein Senior Center. I was able to maintain their confidentiality by being courteous in the way I rendered services: such as blood pressure screenings, food services, providing teaching session, and participating in different activities. It was my primary concern to attend to all classes, practical, and library without being followed or following anyone. I prepared for my clinical learning in time. All the assignments that our professors gave us I completed them in due course. Whenever personal problems or even learning problem faced me, the relevant people were there at my sight to guide me. The professors organized nursing conferences that I made sure I attended and participated in. The school has policies concerning nursing policy that I adhered to them. Furthermore, my dressing was official and professional.

 Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.

In nursing, employing of analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing instructions and educate clients is important. To enhance this, I used interviews with patients, using a sheet where the clients signed their names, and I used the back of the sheet to record their vital signs. After collected clients’ information, I immediately return them to the personnel of the Stein Senior Center. I made assessments on the impact of developmental, emotional, cultural, religious and spiritual influences on client’s health status. I collected significant data relevant to clients’ needs and prioritized their needs based on analysis of data. Also to this, I completed a physical analysis of selected clients. I applied priority in planning nursing interventions and also implemented safe, appropriate nursing interventions promptly. I taught medication, diet, and falls prevention. The outcome of the education and the teaching were good because from the post-test the clients got close to 98% right answers compare to the pre-test where the score was 80%.  Falls prevention, medication safety, and appropriate diet were a great concern to me specifically with the adult population in this community.

Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.

Communication is critical to the nurses and individuals concerning various strategies. I was able to use critical channels of communication to communicate with professors, peers and the personal at Stein Senior Center: and I used therapeutic communication skills with individuals in communities, clients and families. I have done research papers and nursing blogs that combined nursing assessments and significant data, which was understandable to my professor. Despite all this, I also adopted communication skills suitable for the developmental needs of the clients. (Mangum & Avery, 2008).

Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice.

It is significant for nurses to establish conducive environment for learning and use a plan for learners on evidence-based practice. I created a conducive learning environment and developed and implemented a teaching scheme for clients at the center. According to the analysis I made, the clients gained knowledge from different presentations, where they verbalized understanding concerning their safety on how to use cane, crutches, and walker. They also gained knowledge regarding medications safety, and on DASH diet. (Mangum & Avery, 2008).

Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.

Information technology is of great importance today and can be applied in many fields including community health nursing. As a consistent nurse, I kept proper vital signs records for clients in the record sheet. Besides this, I employed the nursing informatics in my clinical area by using the appropriate computer software.

 Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development

People should demonstrate a commitment to their professional development. As a nurse, I showed this by using relevant literature in planning for clients in the community center, assumed responsibility for lifelong learning, engaged in self-evaluation and being committed to adapt to the changes of independent practice in community health nursing.


Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice

Incorporating professional nursing standards and accountability into nursing practice is important. As a nurse, I did this by: utilizing American Association Standards in clinical practice complied with agency standards of practice, accountability for actions in the clinical area and being aware of the assigned agency’s mission.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team

Collaboration with the staff, clients, significant persons and members of the health team brings unity and desired results in clinical areas. I demonstrated this by collaborating efficiently with my peers to address clients’ needs for teaching, coordinating workshops on the basis of their needs, therapeutic involvements and identifying relevant health concerns for the community. Furthermore, I did blood pressure screening, I educated them on fall safety, I guided clients to live healthy lifestyle’s and distributed pamphlets and different information regarding hypertension and the needs to take good care of themselves.

Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services

The impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces affects the delivery of health care services. The first day of our clinical journey, we have conducted a community assessment which included walking within the confines of the Stein Senior Center located at 204 East 23rd Street, 10010 New York, NY.  Zip code 10010 which is densely populated, with a median resident age of 35.8, with an adjusted median income of $94,242. In fact, this neighborhood has 5 major Hospitals including diverse medical center, and lot of pharmacies. One remark I believe more could be done for the senior citizens in this area: such as providing door to door transportation, meals on wheels, and other resources for the elderly in this community. As a Community health nurse, I want to advocate and be the voice of those clients. I educated them on safety at home and how to keep themselves healthy. I did blood pressure screenings, and taught them on how to have their blood pressure under control. I myself with other peers we identified the needs of this community came with plan of teaching and education. I believe whatever they learned will be an asset for them to carry on throughout their daily lives.


After self-reflection as a nursing student, I realized that I had fulfilled clinical requirements for nurses. This is because I employed analytical skills, communication, showed professionalism, embraced information technology, and developed nursing, teaching schemes, collaborated with peers’ commitment to successfully complete the service learning projects, and conducted different workshops at Stein Senior Center. I strongly believe that the services that I have been offering to the community are very important and are part of the high quality nursing care principles that embody the philosophy of nursing.  Also to conclude this clinical orientation was truly a great learning experience that I will continue to apply what I have learned to improve life and make a difference.


Mangum, D., & Avery, J. (2008). A review of narrative pedagogy strategies to transform traditional nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education47(6), 283.


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