Week 4

Last week I had the opportunity to interview for an internship position for one of my favorite Magazines, SLAM. Although the interview was conducted via phone, it was very engaging and gave me insight into the industry. The interviewer was really personable, and I felt more like the meeting was a conversation less than an interview. The interviewer and I connected over our love for the NBA and even discussed some of our favorite players. Ultimately, I didn’t receive the position as Intern for SlAM magazine, but I learned a lot from the experience and look forward to continuing to interview.

In addition to that, I was able to attend a zoom meeting for the NYPIRG. During that meeting, we discussed the great dangers of fracking and how we can impact the outcome of an upcoming project. I collaborated with my peers to draft emails and phone scripts to contact federal agencies. I not only learned about the real dangers that fracking has on the environment, but I was able to learn from my peers how to express my opinion professionally.

Lastly, I attended a meeting to bring awareness to students discriminated against based on their disabilities. There were state assemblymen that were present on the call to also add their emphasis on the needed attention.

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