Week 3

Week 1 & 2 I continuously applied to different internships while revamping my resume to reflect the industry I am trying to enter. My resume looked very much like a standard business resume but I soon learned as designers, our resumes can reflect our style and share information about ourselves. The updated resume looks cleaner and gives the person reviewing my resume a better sense of where I stand from a designer’s point of view.

I was recently accepted into NYPIRG Spring Internship Program. I look forward to learning and working with this agency as they advocate for several ongoing issues in the city such as High Tuition and Homelessness. I will be receiving training this week on working with the team and learn about the expectations set for myself.

Today I also attended a Zoom Call held by the Ad Club of NY. The topic “The Verticals: Travel Unpacking the Benefits of Multicultural Marketing in Post-COVID Recovery”. President of The Black Travel Alliance notes “70% of multicultural travelers are more likely to spend money with brands in which they see themselves reflected”. The travel industry lacks diversity and Danny Guerrero, VP, NA Strategy,MMGY provided data showing the importance of bringing attention to Black and Latinos travelers. Laura Fernandez, Head of Industry, Travel + Tourism for Pandora was the moderator for the panel. I learned Pandora has the largest African American and Latino audience at 36 million subscribers. Listening to the panel demonstrate their passion for diversity and inclusion in marketing and the workplace. Minorities continue to be underserved so it is inspiring to learn there are corporations that are making changes to become more diverse.