
Yancel Valladares is organized, energetic, bold, and daring. As a daughter, Valladares knows the responsibility one must bring honor to one’s home with hard work and dedication. She has passions for creativity, meditation, her career, modeling, and finding ways to help people. Valladares has been known for being a great multitasker, an excellent organizer, a faster learner, and great at communication and problem solving. She is currently preparing to graduate with a Baccalaureate degree in Business and Technology of Fashion from New York City College of Technology (CUNY).

Valladares has spent years studying the business of fashion and strives to assist in bringing more diversity into the industry. With certifications in leadership and responsible conduct research, she believes these skills will benefit this goal in the future in finding new ways to include a variety of talents that the industry could use. Fashion courses have assisted her greatly in her role as a social media intern with having knowledge of marketing, public relations, target markets and trend forecasting.