
“Team Medical Faculty Students or Interns.” VectorStock, VectorStock, n.d.,

After the third campaign, our group of designers had an internal discussion. We had an in-depth discussion on how to create an innovative and on-brand logo without using bird elements.

During the discussion, we mainly focused on the following aspects:
Embodiment of the brand’s core values: We revisited the brand’s core values and mission to ensure that the new logo accurately conveyed these messages. We felt that the logo should be able to communicate the uniqueness and professionalism of the brand in a clear and concise manner.

Innovation in design elements: To replace the bird element, we explored a variety of possible design elements and symbols. We considered geometric shapes, abstract patterns, and other natural elements in order to find a design that was both creative and compatible with the brand’s image.

User Feedback Consideration: During the design process, we also considered the feedback and preferences of our target audience. We wanted the new logo to not only be recognized by the client, but also loved by the target audience.
Through this discussion, we have clarified the direction of the design and determined the next step of our work plan. We will continue to work hard to create a logo that is both innovative and in line with the brand’s positioning, ensuring that our design will stand out in the marketplace.

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