Final Project

Project Name:  Smurf

By: Xinna Wang, Shan Qiong Wang


It’s an app of cartoon charactor Smurfs.

On screen, a picture of smurf will show up and a question is asking “Guess our favorite food? It’s circle and bule.” with three picture is play on screen.

When the user click the right pciture,which is Blueberry then cartoon buleburry will show up. Users can also draw more buleberries for Smurfs with the pen and clear button to clear drawings.

First drug Image name it SmurfImage, upload a picture of smurf family. Then, a label name QuestionLable under the Smurf familt picture.

Next, a HorizontalArrangement include three buttons, OrangeButton, BuleberryButton,and MangoButton(can add more..)upload pictures for them so it can show on screen. set RightWrongLabel and CorrectImage(here I set showing, but in our block editor, they are hidden on screen until the user click the BuleberryButton, which the correct answer)

Finally, for more fun, another HorizontalArrangement contain penButton and wipeButton for user to draw(more buleberries for Smurfs~~) And the sound of Smurf music will play with the showing correct image of buleberry.

Screen shot:

Finalblock Finalblock1 Finalscreen Finalscreen1finalphonescreen

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