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Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash
Today, I want to record some of my experiences and feelings at work.
Since our design users are HCPs (healthcare professionals), pharmaceutical representatives typically use the Veeva app to communicate new drug information to doctors. Therefore, our designs are often implemented within this app. I frequently need to design visual content specifically for Veeva to ensure it looks effective on the platform. Additionally, pharmaceutical websites are regularly updated, and I check these updates to ensure all functionalities link to the correct pages.
Through this process, I have gained a general understanding of the nuances of UX design. Over the past two weeks, I have made efforts to overcome language barriers and communicate with leaders from other departments to understand their operations and work models. I feel that everyone who has given me advice is like a mentor to me. Their guidance and suggestions are incredibly valuable, helping me not only improve my professional skills but also gain a deeper understanding of the overall functioning of the company.