About Us

As a group, we created this website. Here is where you can find information about each member.

  Brianna Persaud  

I am an Engineering Major going into third year, second semester, at City Tech. I decided on this field because in my high school we had different certification classes. I was placed in electrical installation which I wasn’t too excited about. However, I decided to learn more about it and with each new project that was presented, I started to like it. Thinking about the future, I know I didn’t want to become an electrician so I decided to look into engineering. It was an interesting field that I grew very fond of. Three years into my semester, I am looking forward to see that path I take as engineer.


Joshua Patterson

I am a Computer Information Systems Major: Networking and Cybersecurity Path. I’m in my final year of City Tech, with one semester left to go. I decided on this field because I enjoy using physical equipment to fix problems, helping others with technical problems and implementing different security practices into technology for our everyday lives. I decided to go this route because I took courses in that field before coming to City Tech and I really enjoyed it. After college, I plan on learning more about the different fields that I may enjoy if I have the time to do so in order to expand my horizons when it comes to different types of Computer Information Systems so that I promote myself more to future employers.


Alvin Ferreira

My major is I.T. operation. The reason I picked my major is that I enjoy being on the computer. I also enjoy helping others fix whatever problems their computer may have. My goal in life is to work for a big corporation one-day to increase my productivity and skills. I feel the project assigned to us by the professor from ENG2575 has helped me gain knowledge of the disease called coronavirus. This project has helped me acknowledge the steps to protect myself and others.


 Ye Lin Htut

I am currently studying Computer System Technology and IT operations. This is my last year in City Tech. Since I like to observe how to fix the broken machine, find a solution for a technical issue, and interrupt with a customer approach. After I finish college, I want to work in the IT operations field. In this field, IT is about service organization and takes a customer dedicated approach that focuses on well built and tested procedures like problem solving for customers in needs. In addition this field also involves solving business problems known as enterprise application which is software used by some company.