Week 4 Classwork

19-Sep | Week 4

Continuation of Composition, Relative Proportion and the Picture Plane. Framing a Composition, Measuring Angles, Ellipses, and Drawing simple forms. NEW: Assignment 4: Shoe Composition

Warm up Activity: Blind Contour Drawing of a classmate

Warm Up Activity: Drawing from Continuous Observation same classmate

Warm Up Activity: Eye exam :  Draw an eye from memory.  NOW Draw your classmate’s Eye:  just one is sufficient. Contour only!  Be as accurate as you possibly can.


ASSIGNMENT 3 CRIT Self Portrait Composition

  • As a group Discuss:

Which drawings feel more successful? Why?

BREAK 15 min

Review Composition

Review Framing & Measurement

Activity : 

DEMO FRAMING and Measurement!

WORK IN CLASS : Composition 

WORK IN CLASS : Measurement ( Measurement  Hand out) 

Change Your point of view of the same subject matter. Change the arrangement you see inside your View Finder.

Using your thumb and your pencil, choose a basic unit for your composition. Now sketch your composition, using this basic unit as your frame of reference for relative size.

WORK IN CLASS: Find the Midpoint

WORK IN CLASS: Draw the “Trapped Shapes”

In class Assignment : Choose a Compositional Concept  (30 min)

Using Measurement, Framing, Composition, and the tools of Trapped Shapes and Finding the midpoint render a contour drawing of the subject matter. 


Class class (explain take home quiz)