Course FAQ

Work in teams to find the answer to the following questions.

Use the Syllabus and your WEEK 1 Assignment Handout to find the answers.

  1. What should I expect to learn in this course?
  2. How many hours outside of class is the minimum expectation?
  3. What are my instructor’s office hours? Where is the office?
  4. How many pages should I draw per week I my sketchbook? And Where do I submit it for review?
  5. What is the class’ online address?
  6. When are portfolio’s reviewed? How do they effect your grade?
  7. How many drawings should go into a portfolio and how do I select them?
  8. What essentials do I need to bring to class?
  9. What happens if I have to miss class and therefore miss an assignment?
  10. What is the required text for this class?